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Engineering plastics additives

PC/ABS impact modifier

    PC/ABS resin is one of the most widely used industrial thermoplastics. PC/ABS resin offers the most desirable properties of both materials - the superior strength and heat resistance of PC and the flexibility of ABS. PC/ABS blends are commonly used in automotive, electronics and telecommunications applications. Our PC/ABS impact modifier is mainly to improve its impact strength.

ABS high rubber powder

    Styrene-acrylonitrile-Buta-1,3-diene is a core-shell structure copolymer that features high glue content, good colorability, strong rigidity and high gloss. ABS high rubber powder is blended with SAN resin as the main raw material to make ABS resin. It is commonly used in automotive, electronics and machinery and building material.

ASA high rubber powder

    ASA powder is a terpolymer composed of acrylonitrile, styrene, and acrylic rubber. As an impact-modified resin, it has good weather resistance, colorability and high fluidity.

    ASA powder and SAN resin can be mixed together and used as main raw materials to make ASA resin with excellent weather resistance, mechanical properties and high-temperature resistance, etc., which is widely used in automobiles, electronic appliances, construction and other fields.

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